D!crosoft 2020 | For all of the special offers and adverts in this section, please contact D!crosoft 2020 at the address at the end. |
Got something to offer D!crosoft 2020 customers? Send a simple summary plus details on how to contact you to the E-Mail or Postal address at the bottom of this page. |
Have you got any of those Kelloggs Cornflakes figures of Shaun the Sheep to spare? I have an extra Wallace and a Wendolene to swap, or I'll pay a quid a figure, plus all postage! |
We can design web pages for you or your company, competetive rates, good quality work and refreshing design, visit the "Pages" section on the D!crosoft Dimension website for further details. We can do a site from scratch or design something to go in space that you're already paying for. |
Want answers to your AMOS and HTML queries? Mail D!crosoft 2020 and we'll try to sort you out, plus publish it in the next issue of The Word so that people with similar problems can see what it is they're doing wrong, write today! |
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100 Amiga Licenceware titles on one CD,
Recommended Retail Price: 29.99, |
(all prices inc p&p) Kodak Diconix 180si portable inkjet printer. Good condition with mains adapter, 3 new printhead-ink cartridges: 25 quid. Action Replay MK3 for A500 / A500+ with manual. Good working order 10 quid. 2 meg simm 100ns suitable for Amiga fast ram. 5 quid. Playstation games: "Tunnel B1", "Alien Trilogy", "X2" all 10 each or 2 for 18 or 3 for 25 C64 (mk2 version), 1541 disk drive, c2n datasette, disks. With leads, psu etc etc. All good working order: 30 quid. |
You can write, E-Mail, or visit the web site:
- The D!crosoft Dimension - http://www.GeoCities.com/SiliconValley/Bay/2020/ |